tisdag, december 26, 2006

Nordisk konferens för medie- och kommunikationsforskning i Helsingfors 16–18.8.2007

Välkommen till 18. nordiska konferensen för medie- och
kommunikationsforskning i Helsingfors 16–18.8.2007

Inbjudan till arbetsgrupper och program

Konferensens tema är Generationer, kommunikation och mediefilosofi.
Konferensens preliminära program har publicerats på webben på adressen

Arjun Appadurai har vidtalats som talare till öppnandet av konferensen
på torsdag. Söndagens plenumföreläsningar hålls av Marit Benthe Norheim,
Chariclia Gounaris och Mike Sandbothe. Rubriken är: Social Arts of the
Body: Pragmatist Media Philosophy in Action!. Temat för lördagens
paneldebatter är Vart bär det med media. Paneldiskussionerna är två:
Media, ekonomi och demokrati och Kultur och medieteknologi.

Hela fredagen samt lördag förmiddag har reserverats för arbetsgruppernas
arbete. För tillfället planeras mer än 20 arbetsgrupper. Nya
arbetsgrupper kan fortsättningsvis föreslås för konferensen. Om du
tycker att någon arbetsgrupp ännu saknas, vänligen föreslå en
arbetsgrupp senast 18.1.2007. Rekommendationen är att arbetsgruppen är
gemensam för åtminstone två länder, vilket innebär att ordförande är
från olika länder, eller åtminstone att arbetsgruppens presentationer
kommer från mer än ett land.

Vänligen skicka in arbetsgruppens namn, ordförandens/ordförandenas namn
och kontaktuppgifter samt en 250 ord lång beskrivning av arbetsgruppen
på något av de nordiska språken och på engelska senast 18.1.2007 till
konferensens generalsekreterare Sinikka Torkkola

Av de arbetsgrupper som sammanträdde i Ålborg har följande arbetsgrupper
skickat en beskrivningen av arbetsgruppen.
- Medialisering av religion och kultur / Mediatization of Religion and
- Mediehistoria / media history
- Filmhistoria /film history
- TV: institution, produktion och text / TV: Institution, Production and
- Radio och andra ljudmedier / Radio and other sound media
- Politisk kommunikation / Political Communication
- Journalistikforskning /journalism research
- Barn, unga och media /Children, youth and media
- Mediepedagogik /media pedagogics
- Fiktion i film och tv / Fiction in Filma and Television
- Digital tekst: genre, form och process / Digitala text; gender, forma
and process
- Medier i det mångetniska samhället / Media in the Multiethnic Society
- Medie- och kommunikationsteori: forskning och discipliner / Media and
theory: research and diciplines
- Marknadskommunikation och estetik / Market communication and
- Datorspel /Computergames

Följande nya grupp har också anmält sig:
Visual narratives

Ta gärna kontakt om du har frågor!

God jul och väl mött i Helsingfors i augusti!

Sinikka Torkkola
18. Nordiska Konferensen för Medie- och kommunikationsforskning
Institutionen för journalistik och masskommunikation
33014 Tammerfors universitet
Tel. + 358 -3- 3551 4170, gsm + 358 44 5252 736

torsdag, december 14, 2006


9th Virtual Reality International Conference – LAVAL VIRTUAL
April 18-20th 2007, Laval, France

4 full day symposiums / 4 symposiums d'une journée /

******** Symposium 1, Wednesday April 18th, 9:00-17:30
« Envision the risk to save » / « Prévoir le risque et sauver » /

******** Symposium 2, Thursday April 19th, 9:00-17:30
« VR & Human Behavior - Addictions » / « Réalité Virtuelle et Comportement Humain - Addictions » /

******** Symposium 3, Thursday April 19th, 9:00-17:30
« Virtually exploring our landscape through the time » / « Explorer les territoires à travers le temps » /

******** Symposium 4, Friday April 20th, 9:00-17:00
« V&A Reality: break the deadlocks » / « Réalité Vituelle & Augmentée : les derniers verrous » /

[Important Dates]
Submission of extended abstracts             January 19th, 2007
Notification of acceptation:                 February 2nd, 2007
Submission of selected full papers:             March 2nd, 2007
Deadline for final revisions of full papers:         March 23rd, 2007
Submission website: http://www.laval-virtual.org/openconf/openconf.php

@@@  In English :

@@@  En français :

@@@  Download Call for Paper :

Organised by: LAVAL VIRTUAL
Sponsored by: IEEE France  -  ACM  Siggraph

******** The Conference

******** « Envision the risk to save  »
« Prévoir le risque et sauver »
This full day symposium will introduce the last technical and scientific projections of virtual reality in the fields of: Prevention of the risks (natural or medical disasters, terrorism…), Simulation of scenarios of exit of crisis, Evacuation of people, Environmental risks, intelligent agents use in virtual environments…

Ce symposium d'une journée présentera les dernières avancées techniques et scientifiques de la réalité virtuelle dans les domaines : Prévention des risques (catastrophes naturelles ou sanitaires, terrorisme…), Simulation de scénarios de sortie de crise, Evacuation de personnes, Risques environnementaux, Utilisation d'agents intelligents dans les environnements virtuels…

Contact : VRIC07-risk@laval-virtual.org

******** « VR & Human Behavior - Addictions »
« Réalité Virtuelle et Comportement Humain - Addictions »
This full day symposium is dedicated to the contribution of Virtual Reality to the field of Human Behavior, and to the multiple applications that emerged with objectives of understanding, measure or treatment. Disciplines covered include: Virtual Reality; Addiction; Emotion; Conditioning; Cue exposure; Measures (e.g. psychophysiology, behavior, or performance); Cognitive Behavioral Therapy; Cognitive Rehabilitation; etc. In a general way, we expect contributions dedicated to therapeutic applications of Virtual Reality.

Ce symposium d'une journée est dédié aux apports de la réalité virtuelle dans la compréhension du comportement humain, et aux multiples applications qui ont émergé avec des objectifs de compréhension, mesure ou traitement. Les disciplines suivantes sont concernées : Réalité virtuelle ; Addictions ; Emotion ; Conditionnement ; Exposition ; Mesures (ex : psychophysiologie, comportement ou performance) ; Thérapie cognitive et comportementale ; Réhabilitation cognitive ; etc.

Contact : VRIC07-behavior@laval-virtual.org

******** « Virtually exploring our landscape through the time »
« Explorer les territoires à travers le temps »
This one day symposium will present the last technical and scientific projections of virtual reality in the fields: Virtualized earth & countries; Visualization of disappeared, present or future places; Urban simulations; Simulation of events of the past; travelling without moving; travelling in time and space…

Ce symposium d'une journée présentera les dernières avancées techniques et scientifiques de la réalité virtuelle dans les domaines : La terre virtualisée ; Visualisation de lieux disparus, présents ou à venir ; Simulations urbaines ; Simulation d'évènements du passé ; Voyager sans bouger ; Tester des hypothèses du passé ou de l'avenir ; Voyager dans le temps et l'espace…

Contact : VRIC07-landscape@laval-virtual.org

******** « V&A Reality: break the deadlocks »
« Réalité Vituelle & Augmentée : les derniers verrous »  
Co-organisé par l'action RV et RA des GDR  IG et ISIS
Virtual, Mixed  and Augmented Reality allow the creation of fascinating new types of user interfaces. The field is highly interdisciplinary, bringing together computer vision, computer graphics, user interfaces, human factors etc. Despite much progress in the basic enabling technologies, major obstacles are still  limiting the wider use and acceptation of mixed systems. This symposium aims at analysing  these deadlocks.  Papers that fall into the following categories are welcome: haptic feedback in mixed-reality environments / human-computer interaction / human factors / photo-realistic rendering / modeling and enforcing physical interaction constraints between real and virtual objects (vision based modeling, handling occlusion,..). Medical applications will be highly appreciated.

En dépit de progrès importants, les techniques de réalité mixte n'ont pas encore atteint la maturité nécessaire à une large diffusion. Au travers de travaux et d'applications en réalité virtuelle ou augmentée, ce symposium vise à identifier les verrous technologiques à lever pour permettre une plus large diffusion de tels systèmes. Les problèmes suivants recevront une attention particulière: modélisation de contraintes réalistes entre mondes réels et virtuels (modélisation basée image, occultation, inter-reflexions lumineuses), retour haptiques dans les systèmes mixtes, facteurs humains et perception. Les applications médicales seront particulièrement appréciées.

Contact : VRIC07-deadlocks@laval-virtual.org

******** Who Should Attend?

VRIC'2007 will be of specific interest to:
Industrialists developing Innovative Business fields and Innovation Scouts
Corporate Technology and Corporate Computing responsible
Think tank and champions team members
Design, engineering and technical professionals and managers.
New product design and development professionals and managers.
Academics and researchers working in the extended domain of Virtual & Augmented Reality
Academics and researchers working in domain of Computing
Academics and researchers working in domain of Front-End Innovation (FEI)
Academics and researchers working in domain of Collaborative Environments
IT executives and knowledge officers.
Business executives, key decision makers and new business developers.
Venture Capital and Private Equity Partners
Technical and operations executives
European, National, Regional economic development and innovation agencies
Computer Artists / Developers / engineers
Academics and researchers working in domain of therapy, rehabilitation, neuroscience

No matter if you are novice or experienced in the domain of Virtual & Augmented Reality, VRIC'2007 will be of great benefit for you.

******** Call for Papers and Contributions

Open Call for Abstracts
The Call for Paper begins with an open call for abstracts. The selected speakers and poster presenters will be then requested to provide a full paper that will be published in the Conference Proceedings.
Abstracts submission
The International Program Committee requests prospective speakers to submit a structured abstract (500 – 600 words) for review at the submission website.
All abstracts must be written in plain text, in English, with no embedded symbols or formatting characters.
Submissions should include: title of proposed abstract, authors names, affiliations, addresses, name of author to contact for correspondence, e-mail address of contact author.
Abstracts should announce the following sections: Research status, Background/Problem, Method/Tools, Results, Conclusion, Novelty/Discussion.
Abstracts may not include charts, graphs, tables or references. Please spell out the symbols or abbreviations.
Accompanying the abstract, authors must provide 3 to 5 keywords.
All submissions will be reviewed by the Program Committee and will be selected on scientific merit.

Full papers submission
The selected speakers and poster presenters will be then requested to provide a full paper that will be published in the Conference Proceedings.  Authors should prepare manuscripts as follows:
Minimum 4 pages single-spaced, maximum 10 pages single-spaced;
Paper format: two-column DIN A4 format; Margins: top, bottom, left, right = 2.5 cm, no page numbers please;
Font to be used: Times;
Characters size: 10 pt for text, 14 pt bold for title, 12 pt bold for section titles and 10 pt bold for sub-section titles;
Word.doc or PDF format only;
Incomplete or incorrectly submitted papers will be returned to the corresponding author and must be resubmitted correctly by the deadline date to be considered for proceedings edition.
All full papers will be reviewed by the Program Committee and will be selected on scientific merit.

The program of each symposium will be composed of:
A 45 minutes keynote presentation given by an invited speaker ;
20 to 25 minutes scientific talks by the selected speakers ;

The Conference languages are both English and French with simultaneous translation for symposium 1, 2 and 4 (the speaker chooses the preferred language). The slides should be written in English.

All accepted papers will be published in the scientific conference proceedings, provided the final papers and registration of at least one presenting author for the full conference are received before the appropriate deadline and they conform to the layout guidelines. The conference proceedings will be distributed to the participants in printed form at registration desk and will be available after the conference under an ISBN number. Conference proceedings are in English language.

Important Dates
Online papers submission opens            November 30th, 2006
Submission of extended abstracts             January 19th, 2007
Notification of acceptation:                 February 2nd, 2007
Submission of selected full papers:             March 2nd, 2007
Deadline for final revisions of full papers:         March 23rd, 2007
Submission website: http://www.laval-virtual.org/openconf/openconf.php

For any questions please contact the VRIC Scientific Director by email at  srichir {@} laval-virtual.orgVRIC'2007 Concept and Programme

******** Concept

The 4 symposiums will host selected presentations and posters from the open call for abstracts. The presentations will give insight to the latest findings from R&D in Virtual & Augmented Reality. They will be introduced with keynote presentations from industry and academia.

As always at VRIC-Laval Virtual, the support of social networking receives strong attention within the conference and excellent facilities will be provided for establishing and maintaining contacts in the community.

******** Conference Administration and Registration

The early bird discount is granted to all attendees who register before 16 March 2007.
Reduced attendance fee for the annual VRIC conference is obtained on justification of duly registered Intuition or AFRV membership reference.

The administrative, accommodation and travel matters are described on: www.laval-virtual.org
For any problem, please contact Marie-Laure: mlperes {@} laval-virtual.org

******** Organising Committee

VRIC'2007 Executive Committee
Conference chair: Simon Richir, Laval Virtual
Co-chairs: Evelyne Klinger, ELHIT P&I Lab ENSAM / Guillaume Moreau, CERMA ECN / Jacques Tisseau, CERV / Ronan Quérec, CERV / Dominique Bechmann, CNRS, Univ. Strasbourg / Marie-Odile Berger, LORIA
Communication: Jean-Fleury Fayet, Droit Devant
Exhibition & Website: Matthieu Lépine, Laval Virtual
Administration: Marie-Laure Peres, Laval Virtual
Proceedings: Evelyne Klinger & Simon Richir, ELHIT P&I Lab ENSAM

******** Scientific Committee

(subject to modifications)
Chair: Philippe Fuchs, PhD (EMP, Fr),
Andriot C, PhD (CEA, Fr),
Balet O, PhD (CS, Fr),
Bowman D, PhD (VT, USA),
Burkhardt JM, PhD (LEI, Fr),
Calvayrac F, PhD (LPEC, Maine University, Fr),
Cavazza M, PhD (Teesside Univ, UK),
Chaillous C, PhD (LIFL, INRIA, Fr),
Christofol H, PhD (ISTIA, Angers University, Fr),
Coquillard S, PhD (INRIA, Fr),
Delingette H, PhD (INRIA, Epidaure, Fr),
Dugelay JL, PhD (EURECOM, Fr)
Dumas C, PhD (EMN, Fr),
Fontaine JG, PhD (ENSI, CRIIF, Fr),
Frachet JP, PhD (SUPMECA, Fr),
Goebel M, PhD (GMD, D),
Goncalves J (European Commission, It),
Grillon C, PhD (NIMH, USA),
Grumbach A, PhD (ReViCo / ENST, Fr),
Jessel JP, PhD (IRIT, Fr),
Jouvent R, MD, PhD (CNRS, Fr)
Kalawsky R.S. (Advanced VR Res. Centre, UK),
Kheddar A, PhD (CEMIF),
Klinger E, PhD (ELHIT-ENSAM, Fr),
Kotoku T, PhD (NIAIST, Jp),
Le Gall D, PhD (Angers University, Fr),
Lecuyer A, PhD (IRISA, Fr),
Mair G, PhD (TTR Group, UK),
Marié RM, MD, PhD, (UPRES-EA 3917, Fr)
Mestre D, PhD (CNRS, Fr),
Moreau G, PhD (ECN, Fr),
Mühlberger A, PhD (Würzburg Univ, Ger)
Nugues P, PhD (LTH, Sw),
Papin JP, PhD (LRV, Fr),
Pruski, A., PhD (LASC, Fr),
Rizzo S, PhD (Univ South California, USA),
Rolland J, (Odolab, UCF, USA),
Saadoun M, PhD (INEDIT, Fr),
Samier H, PhD (ISTIA, Angers University, Fr),
Sandoval V, PhD (ECP, Fr),
Sato M, PhD (TIT, Jp),
Shirai A, PhD (TIT, Jp),
Stone RJ, PhD (Birmingham Univ., UK),
Tachi S, PhD (Tokyo Univ., Jp),
Thalmann D, PhD (EPFL-LIG, Sw),
Tisseau J, PhD (ENIB CERV, Fr),
Viaud-Delmon I, PhD (CNRS, Fr),
Von Lubitz D, MD (MedSMART, USA),
Webster J, PhD (Dig.City, Teesside Univ),
Weiss T, PhD (LIRT, Il)

fredag, december 01, 2006


The 2nd International Conference of E-Learning and Games -
Edutainment 2007
June 11-13, 2007
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong


Due of Submission December 10, 2006
Due of Review February 15, 2007
Due of Acceptance March 1, 2007
Due of Camera-ready March 15, 2007
Conference June 11 – 13, 2007


VR Committee, China Society of Image and Graphics


The International Journal of Virtual Reality
Microsoft-CUHK Joint Laboratory for Human-centric Computing and
Interface Technologies
KC Wong Education Foundation
Digital Entertainment Society of China Simulation Association
IFIP SG 16 on Entertainment Computing (pending)

Conference Co-Chairs

Honorary chairs

José L. Encarnação (Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany)
Yeung Yam (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China)
Ruth Aylett (Heriot-Watt University, UK)

Conference chairs

Kin-chuen Hui (The Chinese University of Hong
Kong, China)
Zhigeng Pan (Zhejiang University, China)
L. Miguel Encarnação (The IMEDIA Academy, USA)

Program chairs (E-Learning Track)

Ronald Chi-kit Chung (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China)
Stefan Goebel (ZGDV, Germany)

Program chairs (Game and animation Track)

Charlie C.L. Wang (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China)
Xiaogang Jin (Zhejiang University, China)


Edutainment 2007 is the 2nd International Conference on E-learning
and Games, which is an international forum for researchers to share
their latest research output on the development and application of e-
learning and digital entertainment systems. The conference will cover
a range of topics including:

• E-Learning Platforms and Tools;
• Learning Resource Management;
• Practice and Experience Sharing;
• E-Learning Standards;
• Mobile learning;
• Education and remote classrooms;
• Effectiveness of VR for education;
• Life Long Learning;
• Collaborative Environments;
• Remote Group Simulations;
• Collaborative Learning;
• Virtual Reality in Education;
• Game Design and Development;
• Game Engine Development and Customization;
• Game AI and Artificial Life;
• Game Physics;
• Game Rendering/Animations;
• Virtual Characters/Agents;
• Online/Mobile Game/Video Game;
• Storytelling and Game Narrative;
• Affective Interaction in Games;
• Digital Museum;
• Digital Heritage;
• Animation techniques;
• Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality;
• Vision and Imaging Technology in Games;
and any other researches dealing with a pioneered or significant
development in animation, virtual reality and multimedia.

Papers accepted in the conference will be published as a volume in
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (SCI Expanded), Springer. Selected
papers of high quality will be published as special issues by
international journals include "Simulation & Gaming" and "Computing
in Science & Engineering" (pending). All the submitted papers should
be written in English, and will be reviewed by at least two
international reviewers.


Submit your paper via our website at:

http://www.acae.cuhk.edu.hk/ <http://www.acae.cuhk.edu.hk/%
7Eedutainment2007/> ~edutainment2007/

All submissions should be in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) or MS Word (.doc)
in the format of Springer LNCS (Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
For detailed format templates, please access Information for LNCS
Authors on Springer LNCS website.

www.springer.com/sgw/cda <http://www.springer.com/sgw/cda/frontpage/
0,11855,1-164-2-72376-0,00.html> /frontpage/

For more information, or to be placed on our mailing list, please

Ms.Pat Chan
Edutainment 2007 Secretary
Phone: +852 2609 8056
Fax: +852 2603 6002
Email: edutainment2007@gmail.com

Web Site: http://www.acae.cuhk.edu.hk/ <http://www.acae.cuhk.edu.hk/%
7Eedutainment2007/> ~edutainment2007/

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